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button facebookHarley Davidson Classifieds has a very cool feature. You’ll notice to the left of each Page there’s a tab with Facebook and several other Social Network buttons aligned together.

Example: Let’s say you click on the Facebook tab. When it opens you’ll notice the “Share” Button.  sign in and this allows you to share Harley Davidson Classifieds with Family and Friends directly to your timeline on Facebook ……I know !… clever ah ?

Another really awesome feature at the bottom of each Ad is the “Share This” arrow pointing to Facebook and other Social Networks.  Example: aim your mouse over the Facebook icon. click. when it opens. sign in and this will actually send your Harley Davidson Classified Listing directly to your Facebook timeline for all to see.

Last but not least. The Mail button. Go ahead and mail your Family and Friends to let them know. Hey ! I’m buying and selling over at Harley Davidson Classifieds..

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Origin of “Hog” nickname

Beginning in 1920, a team of farm boys, including Ray Weishaar, who became known as the "hog boys," consistently won races. The group had a live hog as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the hog on their Harley and take a victory lap. In 1983, the Motor Company formed a club for owners of its product taking advantage of the long-standing nickname by turning "hog" into the acronym HOG., for Harley Owners Group. Harley-Davidson attempted to trademark "hog", but lost a case against an independent Harley-Davidson specialist, The Hog Farm of West Seneca, NY, in 1999 when the appellate panel ruled that "hog" had become a generic term for large motorcycles and was therefore unprotectable as a trademark.

On August 15, 2006, Harley-Davidson Inc. had its NYSE ticker symbol changed from HDI to HOG.

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