

Business owners – when you become one of our sponsors. We’ll proudly display your advertising banner on “Harley Davidson Classifieds”. The location of the banner ads are positioned to the right of the home page in the box named “sponsors”. These banners are large and highly visible. When a visitor clicks on your banner. It’ll take them directly to your website or products page. Plus ! Our Admin keeps track of how many customers have clicked on your Banner and has visited your website. We’ll report these findings to you directly on a Monthly basis so you can keep track of the progress and new customer acquisition.

The banner sizes we offer are 320 x 125 at a monthly fee of $38.00. If You want a real bargain ! We offer annual sponsorships for only $380.00.
You immediately save $76.00 and get 2 months free. This is an AWESOME advertising package !

If you have your own banner you’re welcome to use it. However, if you don’t have your own banner ready for publication. No Problem ! Our designers will be happy to create one for a minimal charge of $25.00.

Bonus ! If you purchase the annual sponsorship. In addition to the 2 months free. We’ll waive the $25.00 designer fee and give you the banner at no charge. This is an overall savings of more than $100.00.

This offer is for a Limited time during our Grand Opening. (contact us immediately for details ! ). Secure your banner and space now before prices go up.

The benefits of becoming a sponsor with “Harley Davidson Classifieds” will pay for itself with your first new customer. Our website and social media venues are visited by thousands daily.

Why not take advantage of this powerful advertising medium.

To get started immediately Contact our support staff by clicking here

HURRY!…… Space is Extremely Limited.

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Origin of “Hog” nickname

Beginning in 1920, a team of farm boys, including Ray Weishaar, who became known as the "hog boys," consistently won races. The group had a live hog as their mascot. Following a win, they would put the hog on their Harley and take a victory lap. In 1983, the Motor Company formed a club for owners of its product taking advantage of the long-standing nickname by turning "hog" into the acronym HOG., for Harley Owners Group. Harley-Davidson attempted to trademark "hog", but lost a case against an independent Harley-Davidson specialist, The Hog Farm of West Seneca, NY, in 1999 when the appellate panel ruled that "hog" had become a generic term for large motorcycles and was therefore unprotectable as a trademark.

On August 15, 2006, Harley-Davidson Inc. had its NYSE ticker symbol changed from HDI to HOG.

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